As a courtesy to previous associates, HD Supply provides the following links to our service providers.
Where the vendor requires a unique ID, you will be prompted to enter either your HD Supply employee number which was supplied to you at the time of your departure, or for vendors who use social security number and birth date information, you may be asked to use that detail.
If you need assistance determining your employee ID, please refer to your paperwork or contact your previous HR partner.
For questions about your benefits, please call the Benefits Center at 866.686.4440 .
HD Supply 401(k) Retirement Plan
To access your 401(k) account, log on to the Financial Benefits website at The User Id and Password are unique to this site; if you have forgotten this information, click the ‘Forgot User ID or Password?’ option.
Former associates should check their personal email 3 days after termination for login information. Associates that do not receive an email after termination or those that do not have a personal email in Workday should reach out to their HR Partner or former manager to request their personal email address to be added. Once this is updated the associate can request to reset their password to log in.
HD Pro former associates should contact the Home Depot HRSC with your payroll questions by calling 866.698.4347.
Former associates can view W-2 forms by accessing information on the ADP website. Instructions for registering with ADP Services to obtain a copy of your W-2, click here.